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Artsmark is the only creative quality standard for schools and education settings, accredited by Arts Council England.

It supports settings to develop and celebrate their commitment to arts and cultural education, providing a clear and flexible framework for teachers and schools leaders to embed creativity across the whole curriculum and address school improvement priorities.

As an Artsmark Partner I offer enrichment opportunities, choreography for performance or CPD for staff - these include ~

Professional support, advice and resources to strengthen arts provision

Provide training, advice, practical teaching resources.

Provide evidence to Ofsted on how you meet its spiritual, moral, social, cultural requirements

Artsmark enables schools to work at one of three award levels; Silver, Gold or Platinum and is open to primary, secondary and special schools, pupil referral units, youth offending teams and sixth form colleges.


I have also been an Artsmark Ambassador for Arts Connect and a Quality Assessor for Arts Council England.

Arts Award

I am also an Arts Award Adviser (Bronze & Silver) and  can devise and deliver a performance project to support your school or setting on your Arts Award journey - whether Discover, Explore, Bronze, Silver or Gold.


I am a registered Arts Award Supporter.



The Mighty Creatives

Each region has their own organisation facilitating Artsmark

For the East Midlands it is The Mighty Creatives


Training opportunities for teachers to develop their skills and confidence when devising and delivering cross curricular dance lessons, supported with a detailed resource pack including sample lesson plans. Claire has worked across all age groups, SEND schools & has also delivered dance training to those on SCITT courses.


Assistance with creating or refining their dance curriculum to consolidate learning across the curriculum to develop a bespoke dance scheme. This may include mentoring staff who wish to make their dance lessons exceptional! Claire has devised a highly regarded ‘End of Year Expectations’ document for primary schools to assist with assessment and progression. She has recently developed the ks3 strand too.


Provide high quality dance lessons for students, either curriculum based or working towards a performance event, thus enabling the students to be challenged and the teachers to be supported and allowing every child the opportunity to create, compose, reflect, refine and review their work and that of others and so foster an atmosphere of exploration and curiosity.
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