Broadening horizons
Deepening understanding
Raising aspirations
Broadening horizons
Deepening understanding
Raising aspirations
dance support for primary schools
dance support for primary schools
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans
If you would like lesson plans written for your specific project & age group for your staff to deliver then look no further.
I write easy-to-follow plans, completely without jargon & supported by tips and hints for your staff so that they can deliver a creative dance experience for your students.

Whenever I work in a school I write up the lesson plans I have delivered for the staff to have - but I also add a copy onto my TES shop.
Chances are that there might be many other schools out there delivering the same or similar topics - they come with hints & tips as well as the title of the music I used + the artist (most have a hyperlink) as I know that this is the time-consuming bit!
There's a vast selection of topics & most are priced at £1 per lesson plan - which I think is a bargain! I hope you do too.
Themes include - The Stone Age - Natural Disasters - Macbeth The Romans - Biomes - Japan and so many more including stories such as 'The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark' and all ks2 Science areas are covered which can be a great introduction or consolidation of their knowledge.
Below is a brief outline of a lesson plan for year one students working on 'Traditional Tales' & the theme that lesson was Little Red Riding Hood.
A detailed lesson plan comes complete with aims for every section of the lesson & what you should be looking for in their responses in order to judge the quality of their work or to give the teacher suggestions of how to further prompt & guide them.
The lesson plans will also be accompanied by a recommendation of suitable music that is easily accessible via platforms such as iTunes of You Tube.

Ask the children to find a space. Then travel around the room weaving in & out of imaginary trees as if travelling through a forest. Use different ways of travelling – e.g. skipping, galloping, tip toe, creeping…
Ensure the children maintain a safe space from each other & look for control & precision in the actions.
Ask the children to select their own way of travelling around the forest; still weaving in & out of the trees.
Feedback to the children what you see them do, e.g. “Emma is creeping slowly”
Ask the children who they meet in the forest – the wolf.
Ask them to repeat the previous task but now if they meet someone else they should freeze for a moment (as if having a conversation) before carrying on their journey.
Use 2 children to demonstrate before allowing the whole class to begin.
Look for good control in the held positions – remind them to still weave in & out as well as vary the travelling actions.
Ask the children to pause. Explain that the wolf then headed off to Grandma’s house where he swallowed Grandma. Ask the children to do a swallowing action – then ask them to exaggerate it. Then ask the children to stand up & ask them to do the biggest swallowing action they can (this action is called a ‘ripple’).
Ask them to repeat this 4 or 5 times. Explain that the action must be big to swallow Grandma whole. This exaggerated action should link to the next section effectively.
Perform the dance from the beginning.
- Travelling through the forest, weaving in & out of the trees.
- Meet the wolf – pause.
- Travel through the forest again.
- Stop – huge swallowing action.
If necessary repeat the practice to consolidate the order of the sections.
Ask the children to pause – remind them that Little Red Riding Hood then arrives at Grandma's & meets the wolf.
Decide upon some gestures that communicate big eyes, big eyes & big teeth, e.g. 'Grandma what big eyes you have - hands as fists in front of eyes, suddenly open them on 'big eyes' - 'All the better to see you with' could be point to own eyes then point forwards stretching arms in front.
Then ask the children to find a partner. Ask one to be the wolf & the other to be LRR.
Perform the gestures facing each other.
Then change roles.
Check that the children are just performing the actions of their character – this is called ‘Question & Answer’.
Ask the children to perform the dance from the beginning.
Prompt them as they go.
Ask the children to find a space & lie down.
Recap the ending of the story.
Ask the children to imagine putting stones in their tummy & being very, very heavy.